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Monday, August 3, 2009

Anasazi Ruins

It will be here on this site "Anasazi Ruins" that I will be posting my latest photos of the ruins and "rock art" of Southeastern Utah. Click on each photo for a sharper and larger view. Comments are welcomed.

Please click on this link to - BEYOND MESA VERDE - for more information on the Anasazi ruins of Southeastern Utah.

Miscellaneous Sites ~ Updated Aug.3, 2009

White House Ruin at Canyon de Chelly
The very remote and seldom seen ~ Doll House Ruin

Doll House Ruin

The Doll House Ruin


You can see Doll House Ruin in the background of this photo. With this site being so remote, here is the most common visitor that it welcomes.


The Hunting Panel in Nine Mile Canyon.


Notice the bullet holes shot at the image to the left. Nine Mile Canyon.


Damage to a North American "treasure" in Nine Mile Canyon.


Petroglyphs at the base of Jug Handle Arch near Moab,UT